Do you have dental implant surgery scheduled soon? Not sure what you should do to take care of yourself immediately after the procedure is done? Here's a handy list courtesy of our Calgary denture clinic.
If you're getting dental implant surgery soon you may be feeling anxious or nervous about the procedure, which is totally normal. Surgery is still surgery and there are certain things associated with it which causes people to feel worried before the procedure begins. One thing that causes a lot of consternation is simply not knowing what to expect once the surgery is done. While there is discomfort associated with dental implant surgery and sometimes pain, properly knowing what to do once the procedure is completed can lift a weight of your shoulders leading up to the big day.
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The big day has arrived and you're feeling nervous and excited about your dental implant surgery. You can't wait to have a beautiful smile once again and show off your new hardware to your friends and family. While your denturist or dentist will give you in-depth instructions on how to care for yourself following the surgery, it can't hurt to have some good advice beforehand.
Do everything you can to not disturb the wound where your dental implant was installed. You should avoid spitting, rinsing your mouth out — and most importantly — touching the wound with your hands. No matter how tempting it may be to do so.
You may notice some bleeding or red discouloration within your saliva for up to 24 hours after surgery. This is normal. If you begin to experience excessive bleeding and your mouth is filling up with blood, try to put medical gauze on the location of the wound to stanch the bleeding. If the bleeding persists, call your denturist or dentist immediately and seek care.
It's completely normal for there to be swelling in your mouth and near the site of the procedure following surgery. To alleviate this, try to place a bag of ice or frozen vegetables on your cheek where the dental implant was inserted. Do your best to keep the ice on the affected area as much as possible following your surgery and continue to do so for the first 36 hours.
You'll want to drink plenty of fluids immediately following surgery and refrain from eating any hot food or liquids. You may not want to eat much immediately following the surgery, but it's important that you do to regain your strength. Try soft foods or lukewarm soups to make things more comfortable. As soon you can, try to resume your normal eating habits.
As soon as the local anesthetic begins to wear off you'll want to consider using pain medication to alleviate any discomfort you may be experiencing. Unless otherwise instructed or prescribed, regular over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or ibuprofen can be used to relieve discomfort. Just be sure to always follow the labels and usage instructions on the bottles.
Need dental implants Calgary? Future Smiles Denture Clinic can expertly install these long-lasting and attractive alternatives to partial dentures at an affordable price. Contact us today to book a FREE consultation. and let's get you smiling again!
Your denturist or dentist will prescribe you antibiotics either before or following your surgery. It's very important that you take these as prescribed as it will limit your risk of developing an infection.
In order to heal properly, good oral hygiene is a must. You will be given a special rinse prior to your surgery and must use it the night before, then twice per day starting 24 hours after your surgery. Further instructions for this special rinsing solution will be provided by your dentist or denturist. You'll also want to use a salt water mixture to rinse out your mouth in the days immediately following the procedure and do so at least four to five times a day. You may brush your teeth following the surgery but will want to do so carefully, especially in the area of the dental implant.
It's a good idea to hold off on physical activity for at least a few days following your dental implant surgery. If you choose to engage in exercise, you may cause the wound to start throbbing or bleeding. Stop exercising immediately if this happens. You'll also want to keep in mind that you probably won't be eating like you normally do and could have less calories to burn or feel weak from physical activity. So be sure to take it slow your first few times back.
Hopefully the above info has helped alleviate some of the anxiety you may be feeling leading up to your dental implant surgery. Just remember to always follow the advice and instructions your denturist or dentist provides you, and congratulations on your beautiful new smile!
If you're looking to get dental implants or would like more advice on how to care for a current one, get in touch with our helpful team at Future Smiles Denture Clinic by calling 403-475-0016 or by booking a FREE consultation today.
To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.