Recently received a dental implant but forget everything your denturist told you about taking care of it after they installed it? No need to fret, our Calgary denture clinic has the ultimate care guide to help keep your dental implant in tip-top shape and functioning properly for years to come.
Dental implants are a wonderful, attractive, long-lasting alternative to regular partial dentures. If properly taken care of, they can last for decades. But not everyone is clear on how these important pieces of hardware need to be properly taken care of. That's why we've compiled a handy care guide for you to refer to anytime you're unsure about how to best keep your dental implant looking and working the best it can.
Need emergency denture repair Calgary? Future Smiles Denture Clinic is open again as of May 11, 2020. We're also offering FREE telehealth consults and denture care advice over the phone for all patients — new or existing. Contact us today so we can get you smiling again.
Taking care of your dental implant at home is crucial to maintaining its structural integrity and functional ability. Whether you have a single dental implant or multiple replacement teeth, proper at-home care will help keep your dental implant looking great and working the way it's intended to. Here are some tips on how to do so, courtesy of our Calgary denture clinic.
Are you looking for dental implants Calgary? Future Smiles Denture Clinic can expertly install these long-lasting and attractive alternatives to regular dentures at an affordable price. Let's get you smiling again!
One of the most important things to do when caring for your dental implant at home actually begins before you even receive the implant. By practicing good oral hygiene before your scheduled installation date, you'll give your mouth and jaw the best chance of accepting the implant and lower your risk of peri-implantitis, or the loss of the implant.
Like natural teeth, dental implants require consistent cleaning to keep them in good working condition. Try to use a soft-bristled toothbrush if you can and opt for a non-abrasive toothpaste if possible.
An oral irrigator (also known as a waterpik) can be a huge help when caring for your dental implant at home. Simply aim the nozzle underneath your implant to try and remove any food particles or debris which may have gotten lodged within the crevice.
Need a dental implant but don't know how you'll afford it? Our Calgary denture clinic is proud to provide flexible financing options for our patients. Click the button below to find out more about how we make or dental implants and dentures more affordable for everyone.
Smoking can lead to a host of health issues, but it can be especially problematic for those who have dental implants as it may lead to peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is the term for when a dental implant is unsuccessful, or lost. This can be an extremely costly problem and must be avoided at all costs. If you're a smoker, your denturist will talk to you about the risks of going forward with a dental implant while continuing to smoke. If possible, quit well before your procedure is scheduled.
If you're looking to get complete or partial dentures or would like more tips on how to care for your current dentures, get in touch with our helpful team at Future Smiles Denture Clinic by calling 403-475-0016 or by booking a FREE consultation today.
To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.