Denture Implants in Calgary

Denture implants are a natural-looking and successful alternative to traditional dentures. They are a long-lasting solution for patients with missing teeth due to age, injury and/or gum disease.

How are denture implants different from regular dentures?

While a regular denture rests on your gum, denture implants are made up of one or more replacement teeth connected to an implant in the jaw.

At Future Smiles, we offer FREE consultations, in-home visits, high-quality, competitively priced denture implants, and flexible financing options to help you get the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve!

Denture Implant Process

If you are considering implant-supported dentures, understanding the steps involved will help you know what to expect. All-in-all, it usually takes at least two surgeries and a minimum of 5 months to complete.

 Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation
Tooth Implants
Tooth Implants

During the consultation and before the tooth implants, impressions and x-rays are taken so that models can be created.

Who is a Good Candidate for Denture Implants?

Denture implants are a very popular choice for Calgary patients with healthy gums, who are looking for a permanent tooth replacement solution.

However, there are some factors that may affect your candidacy including:

  • inadequate bone structure
  • presence of periodontal disease
  • bite complications
  • whether or not you are a smoker
  • if you are taking medications such as blood thinners

During an in-depth consultation, our Calgary denturist can examine your oral health and medical history to help determine whether or not denture implants can benefit you.

Benefits of Denture Implants

Enhanced Aesthetics and Functionality

Enhanced Aesthetics and Functionality

Future Smiles Denture Clinic's implant-supported dentures are meticulously crafted to provide patients with a natural-looking smile that complements their facial features. Through personalized design and precise fitting, patients can regain confidence in their appearance, enjoying a smile that feels and looks just like their own.

Enhanced Stability and Comfort

Enhanced Stability and Comfort

With implant-supported dentures, patients experience newfound stability and comfort in their oral prosthetics. Gone are the days of worrying about denture movement, slippage, or the hassle of applying messy adhesives. Future Smiles Denture Clinic's advanced implant techniques ensure a snug and secure fit, eliminating discomfort and allowing patients to eat, speak, and laugh with ease.

Comfortable Elimination of Sore Spots

Comfortable Elimination of Sore Spots

Say goodbye to the discomfort caused by traditional dentures. Future Smiles Denture Clinic's implant-supported solutions alleviate sore spots by distributing pressure evenly across the jawbone. With a precisely tailored fit and superior stability, patients can enjoy long-lasting comfort without the irritation often associated with conventional dentures.

Comprehensive Oral Health Benefits

Comprehensive Oral Health Benefits

Beyond restoring smiles, implant-supported dentures provided by Future Smiles Denture Clinic offer comprehensive oral health benefits. By preserving jawbone strength and density, these implants promote long-term oral health, reducing the risk of bone loss and associated complications. Additionally, improved chewing and speaking abilities contribute to overall oral well-being, enhancing quality of life for patients.

Book Now! Same Day Service, Free Consultations, Financing and Direct Billing Available. Two Locations to Serve You Better

To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.