Flexible Dentures Calgary

Summary Content

Unlike traditional, bulky dentures, flexible partial dentures such as Valplast and FlexiLytes are made from a plastic material which fits neatly into your mouth and is virtually invisible. In addition, they DO NOT require metal clasps to keep them in place.

At Future Smiles, we often recommend this tooth replacement solution to our patients. The flexibility of these dentures, combined with their strength and light material, provides total comfort and great aesthetics.

Want to know if flexible dentures are right for you?

Types of Flexible Dentures

At our Calgary denture clinic, we understand that every patient’s dental needs & situation are different. That’s why we offer a range of flexible denture products to help ensure that you get the most benefit from your tooth replacement solution.

Valplast Flexible Dentures

Valplast is one of the most aesthetically pleasing, comfortable & affordable methods of tooth replacement today. Made from a cast thermoplastic material, Valplast flexible dentures are thin & lightweight, with invisible clasps that surround the natural teeth.

Benefits of Valplast Flexible Dentures:

  • Precision fit & retention
  • Biocompatible
  • Translucent material which blends naturally with tissue tone
  • No major connectors to collect food while eating
  • Flexible design makes speaking & eating easier

FlexiLytes Dentures

FlexiLyte dentures are an excellent alternative to cast partial dentures. Fabricated from biocompatible thermoplastic, FlexiLyte dentures are highly versatile and user-friendly. They can be used with clear or tissue-colored clasps for improved esthetics.

Benefits of FlexiLytes:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • Stain resistant
  • Metal/monomer free
  • Flexible design makes speaking & eating easier
  • Biocompatible
Flexible Dentures vs Traditional Partial Dentures

Flexible Dentures vs Traditional Partial Dentures

It was long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective. However, the innovative design of flexible dentures allows your replacement teeth to adapt to the constant movement of your mouth, resulting in a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing choice.

Unlike traditional tooth replacement options, flexible dentures are:

  1. Non-invasive
  2. Typically resistant to chemical deterioration
  3. More comfortable for chewing and speaking
  4. Stain and odour-free
  5. More lightweight than traditional dentures
  6. Easier to wear
  7. Hypoallergenic

Who is a Good Candidate for Flexible Dentures?

Today, there are many treatment options available for patients who suffer from tooth loss. Flexible dentures such as FlexiLytes and Valplast may be a suitable for patients who:

  1. Have lost a group of teeth from the same area of the mouth
  2. Want a less invasive treatment option compared to dental bridges or implant-supported dentures
  3. Are looking for a more comfortable alternative to traditional partial dentures
  4. Are recovering from dental implant surgery & waiting for their tooth implants to fuse with the jawbone.

However, flexible dentures do have some limitations and CANNOT be used for complete dentures or patients with extensive periodontal disease.

During an in-depth consultation, our qualified Calgary denturist can help determine whether flexible partial dentures are the right tooth replacement option for you.


Book Now! Same Day Service, Free Consultations, Financing and Direct Billing Available. Two Locations to Serve You Better

To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.