Calgary Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are typically made with a combination of acrylic material and a material framework that attaches to your remaining teeth for support.

This tooth replacement option comes in different styles and the right type for you depends on several factors including:

  1. The health of your surrounding teeth
  2. Your budget
  3. Your goals for treatment

Whatever your unique situation, our experienced denturist can help you find the best match for your needs.

Types of Partial Dentures

At Future Smiles, we understand that every mouth is different. That’s why we offer a wide range of partial dentures styles ranging from traditional, metal-based false teeth to flexible dentures.

Whatever you opt for, you can trust in the quality of our craftsmanship and the durability of our products.

Traditional Partial Dentures

  • More economical
  • Prevents your remaining teeth from shifting
  • Can be very aesthetically pleasing
  • Metal clasps keep the partial denture from moving/slipping
  • Removable partial dentures are easy to clean

Flexible Partial Dentures

  • Completely metal-free
  • Natural appearance
  • Requires minimal preparation
  • Durable & comfortable

What is Involved in Getting a Partial Denture?

While getting a partial denture is a relatively simple procedure, you may have to attend several appointments with your denturist to ensure they fit correctly and comfortably: 

 Dental Impressions
Dental Impressions
Final Fitting
Final Fitting

A highly accurate dental impression (mold) and measurements are taken and used to create your custom denture.

Who is a Good Candidate for Partial Dentures?

If you have any missing teeth or unwanted gaps in your mouth, whether it’s due to aging or an accident, partial dentures are an excellent way to bring your perfect smile back to life.

You may be a good candidate for traditional partial dentures if you have:

  1. Several consecutively missing teeth
  2. A few remaining teeth
  3. Healthy bone tissue
  4. Budget constraints

At Future Smiles, our denturist can help evaluate the health and state of your mouth to determine whether traditional partial dentures will benefit you.


1 Year FREE Adjustments!

At Future Smiles, we want all of our patients to experience the peace-of-mind that comes with quality, comfortable dentures. When you opt for traditional partial dentures, we offer 1 year FREE adjustments & repairs to keep your smile healthy & beautiful!

Book Now! Same Day Service, Free Consultations, Financing and Direct Billing Available. Two Locations to Serve You Better

To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.