In these tough economic times a lot of people are feeling the pinch. Though you may be tempted to buy the cheapest dentures available, or do your own denture repairs in order to save money there are very important factors that need to be taken into consideration.
When you purchase dentures from a professional denturist you aren’t just buying a set of false teeth. You are investing in your quality of life. A professional denturist will carefully review your medical history and perform an oral examination. During the oral examination he or she will take detailed measurements of your mouth so that your dentures can be made to fit you perfectly. This will improve the fit of your dentures (without the use of messy adhesives) and reduce the likelihood of you developing painful sores or other serious oral health problems. This will ensure your continued quality of life and save you expensive dental costs down the road.
Proper denture maintenance and repair is essential to extending the life of your dentures. Dentures that are not properly adjusted, or have been damaged, can damage your gums. This makes them highly susceptible to sores. Proper repairs require a comprehensive understanding of how dentures are made and how they interact with your mouth. DIY repairs can actually damage your dentures, making them more likely to harbour bacteria and potential altering their shape, which leads to gum damage.
A tight budget doesn’t preclude you from having access to quality dentures and denture care. Future Smiles Denture Clinic offers a variety of services, from basic dentures to dental implants, that can fit any budget. We will work with your insurance company to ensure we can get you the best price, and the most coverage, so you can reduce or eliminate out of pocket expenses. We also offer financing options, so that any costs you do incur because of your dentures can be broken up into manageable payments.
For more information about dentures or financing options call the Future Smiles Denture Clinic today at 403.475.0016 and visit us today.
To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.