When most people think of dentures they think of clunky false teeth that slip and slide around. Luckily, denture technology is far more advanced than that. If you are missing one or more of your teeth you should consider getting dentures, partial dentures or dental implants. To help you get the facts straight here are 4 questions I get asked frequently, and the answers you need.
Your professional denturist will create a set of dentures or dental implants that are specially designed for you to give you a natural looking smile. This can improve your self confidence, and let you smile with ease
How will my Denturist make my custom dentures or dental implants?
When designing your dentures or dental implant crowns your denturist will keep several factors in mind, including:
Creating a design that will protect and support your gums and the bones in your mouth.
How your dentures fit in your mouth, and ensure your jaws are held the proper distance apart.
Creating individual teeth that are positioned so they harmonize with your facial characteristics and any remaining natural teeth.
Making sure your dentures allow you to speak clearly and chew without undue stress.Your professional denturist will evaluate your facial characteristics (face shape, eye colour, hair and complexion colours) and create teeth that will give you the most natural look and match any remaining natural teeth you have. He or she will also make sure your dentures are moulded to your mouth perfectly, to avoid causing you pain or discomfort.
Yes, dentures can cause minor changes in speech patterns including some lisping. Practice speaking with your dentures to return your speech patterns to normal. A good way to practice is to read aloud to yourself.
Dentures take some getting use to, so don’t expect to be chewing steak right after you walk out of the denturist’s office. You will need to learn how to chew properly with your dentures, something your denturist can give you advice on. He or she will also suggest suitable, healthy foods that will not damage your dentures or cause you discomfort or pain.
For more information on dentures and dental implants, or to book a consultation, contact the Future Smiles Denture Clinic at 403.475.0016 and visit us today.
To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.