Denture Replacement: The Five Year Plan


Imagine a machine with multiple moving parts that operates 24/7. One of the critical parts of this elaborate machine needs to be replaced every 4-5 years. Even before the part needs to be replaced, an engineer examines the machine annually to make sure it’s functioning correctly. Without properly replacing the part every four years, all aspects of this machine would begin to completely break down. You’ve probably guessed where this metaphor is going - the machine in question is you! And your dentures are the important function that needs to be replaced every 4 years. Read the blog below for more information on the life cycle of your full and partial dentures.

Your dentures perform vital functions for breaking down nutrition in your body and they also play a key role in boosting your self-confidence. Dentures are high quality replacement teeth, but just like natural teeth they break down from wear and tear. Furthermore, your mouth undergoes subtle changes as you age and these can cause your dentures to not fit properly. Not replacing your dentures or neglecting to have them refitted every 4-5 years can lead to the following health issues:

  • Irritated gums
  • Difficulty in chewing food
  • Digestive problems
  • Headaches
  • Soreness in the jaw

There are 3 easy ways to keep your dentures in top form.


You’ve heard it all your life and you’re about to hear it again. Brush your teeth, real or fake! Use a soft bristled denture brush after every meal and if you’re without it, rinse your mouth the best you can to dislodge any food particles.

The Soak

After a long day of work, there is nothing like soaking in a hot tub. When it comes to your dentures, the hot tub is a container with warm water or a proper cleaning solution. The moisture prevents your dentures from warping or from drying up as this can cause them to break.

Denturist Vlad

Protect your investment and visit denturist Vlad at the Future Smiles Clinic annually! Annual visits and replacement plans will ensure that your dentures fit properly. The technicians at the Future Smiles Clinic will also remove any stains that are built up on your dentures and restore them to their million-dollar look.

The Bottom Line: Great things happen every four years: Olympics, the World Cup and your new set of dentures. As durable as dentures are, they do have a shelf life of approximately 4-5 years. Unfortunately, some denture wearers are keeping the same dentures for longer periods of time and endure unnecessary health risks. People that don’t visit their denturist or have pre-scheduled replacements for their dentures also tend to develop lackadaisical oral hygiene. Dentures can be expensive and if you find that you are not replacing your old dentures due to budgetary reasons, contact Future Smiles Clinic, where they have financing options. Denturist Vlad encourages that you keep your dentures and oral care running like a well-oiled machine.

For more information on replacing, refitting and repairing your dentures, contact the Future Smiles Clinic today in Calgary at 403.475.0016.  

Book Now! Same Day Service, Free Consultations, Financing and Direct Billing Available. Two Locations to Serve You Better

To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.