Are you on a tight budget? Don’t have enough jawbone to support tooth implants? Modern full dentures offer an excellent way to restore your smile and oral health.
If you’re missing one or more teeth, there are many affordable and quality tooth replacement options available to you.
Whether you decide on full/partial dentures, flexible partials, or implant-supported dentures, such choices offer incredible benefits, including:
Affordable & Natural Looking Full Dentures at Our Calgary Dental Clinic
The team at Future Smiles Dental Clinic understands just how important a healthy and beautiful smile is to your quality of life. We offer a wide range of tooth replacement options from conventional full dentures to dental implants, to suit all budgets, lifestyles, and oral health needs.
Want to know more?
For many people, the idea of full dentures may conjure up images of mouth sores, discomfort, and false teeth swimming in a glass of water by the bedside table. Fortunately, modern dentistry has helped dentures progress in a number of ways.
Here are 3 significant changes you’ll notice in modern full dentures that make this tooth replacement option much more attractive, convenient, and comfortable:
Full Dentures Are Far More Comfortable
Old-fashioned dentures were often ill-fitting and created sores and hot spots due to uneven rubbing against gum tissue. The only way to relieve this pain was to remove the replacement teeth completely.
Today’s Dentures Are Far More Comfortable Modern dentures fit better than ever and advanced development in their creation, as well as a comprehensive understanding of jaw and bite function, means that today’s dentures are infinitely more comfortable and don’t create sores that were so common just a few decades ago. |
Full Dentures Are More Stable
Full dentures today are made from a lightweight and durable acrylic, making them strong without being so weighty that they fall out of your mouth. Today, denture teeth are more durable and stain-resistant than those in the past.
In addition: Partial dentures also come in acrylic and metal options for enhanced durability.
Full Dentures Are More Natural and Attractive Looking
A few decades ago, denture teeth gave patients very limited options. Today, denturists can offer age-appropriate dentures that come in a wide variety of colours. This means you can choose one that complements your skin tone and makes you feel good about the way you look.
Figure out what's right for you.
Full Denture Flexible Partials
Whether you’re on a limited budget or your jawbone isn’t healthy enough to support dental implants, modern dentures offer a comfortable and affordable way to restore your smile and oral health.
Your denturist will take impressions of your mouth to ensure the full dentures fit perfectly and are comfortable to wear. The replacement teeth will be constructed out of high-quality material for a completely natural appearance.
Remember: Modern technology has improved dentures so much and they are far more comfortable and natural looking than those worn decades ago. In fact, high-quality dentures look so much like natural teeth that most people won’t even be able to tell that you’re wearing replacement teeth.
To find out more about our wide range of tooth replacement options, from full dentures to denture implants, as well as other services such as denture relines and repairs, contact our Calgary clinic at (403) 475-0016 or book a FREE consultation.
To find out more about the costs & benefits of traditional, metal-based partial dentures, contact our Calgary denture clinic today at 403-475-0016 or fill in our online contact form.